Our Services

It's about meeting YOUR financial needs... 

Your Financial Advisor specializes in managing investment portfolios

  • As Portfolio Managers we have access to a comprehensive array of choices for investment products.  Instead of pushing proprietary products, your advisor offers investment choices that are best suited to your needs. 
  • A number of personalized fee-based money management platforms which include tools to assist with wealth management and access to experienced independent money managers.  These programs provide investor flexibility and emphasize asset allocation and opportunity. 
paved path through row of colorful trees and park bench


  • Bonds and CDs
  • Common and Preferred Stock 
  • ETF - Exchange Traded Funds
  • Mutual Funds
  • Money Market 
  • REIT - Real Estate Investment Trusts
  • UIT - Unit Investment Trusts
dirt road through lush field

Financial Planning

  • Income Planning
  • Retirement Planning
  • Tax Reduction Strategies
  • Estate Conservation
  • 401(k) Planning/Rollovers
  • 457 Deferred Compensation
  • 403(b) T.S.A. Rollovers
  • Traditional IRA
  • Roth IRA
  • Simple IRA
dirt path along mountainside


  • Annuities (Fixed, Variable and Equity Indexed)
  • Life Insurance
  • Disability Income Insurance
  • Long-Term Insurance